Monday, July 28, 2008

7:54am and already a bad day!!!

I wonder how anyone can have a bad day by 8am in the morning.

Starting with Sadie waking at 5am followed by Cameron soon after. They had gone to bed late so they have been really exhausted. There were fits over toothbrushes, fits over what we could dress up in. (I don't like Cameron to play dress up with his or Sadie's clothes... It just makes more laundry and we know I don't want that) Then fits over what we were eating for breakfast and even a fit over the fact that the pancake would not stay on the fork!!!!

Then I went to make my MUCH NEEDED CUP OF COFFEE and we are out of COFFEE Filters.

7:00am I give the children a bath, but I'm not dressed I'm still walking around in a tank top, and PJ pants, and of course NO BRA!!! I'm due to walk at 8:30am so I have more then enough time.

That brings me to the icing on the cake.

At 7:45 this morning there is someone knocking at my door. (not gonna lie it seemed like a pounding on the door) . Now usually if it is Mikes workers I know they can wait a min. and I can go get something a little more presentable on before I answer the door. Well today I look to see my former landlord standing there. So I panic just out of sheer shock and open the door not even thinking about what I'm wearing!!! But once I did I totally relized what I was wearing and then tried to play the cover up game with the door and my arm. I mean I should never be seen with out a bra, it is just bad news. I was so embarrassed!!!! And he needed to know where mike was. Of course Mike was at work not at home, however was in a meeting with his new boss. GOOD GRIEF!!!

Needless to say I'm treating myself to a Dunkin coffee this morning!!!


Lara said...

My stomach is in knots for you... because we all dread days like these... Tomorrow will be better! Hang in there!

Heather said...

That's almost like when Pastor Tom would unexpectedly show up at my door. It shows me one good thing about not living within a 3 block radius of everyone you know! I'm sure he didn't even notice :)