Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Lady Like"

As a young child I could be a girly girl. I loved doing my hair or having my hair done, painting my nails. I loved pretty clothes, and I was notorious for doing cart wheels in the middle of church league basketball games. Despite my girliness I often heard the phrase "Megan that's not very lady like" Well Today's Blog is about my little girl Sadie Ruth
Just look at my beautiful little girl Could you even imagine that she is not 100% girl.
(No comment from the peanut gallery those who know her on a daily basis)

Well I see those same characteristics in my daughter... Loves to have her hair done, says "paint piggies"and loves her pretty clothes. (I'm sure she wont do a cartwheel in the middle of a basketball game cause she has an older brother to keep up with and be an example) However I often want to say to my 2o month old daughter "Sadie that's not very lady like."

Today was no exception. In our home we call passing gas... "toots" Sadie calls them "Tuts" Well today while Sadie was sitting on my lap she started to smile and get very still. As I hear her toot. SHE BEGINS laughing histerically "I tuts" she says. Then she proceeds to pass gas on command at least 3 more times. Each time laughing hysterically. And all I could think to say was "Sadie don't do that your gonna hurt your tummy." Which is totally false it probably will help her tummy to let out all that air... but what I really wanted to say was "Sadie that is not very Lady Like"

There are so many more other things that contribute to my daughters "unlady likeness". She pretends to burp and then says "ecuse me" while laughing and thinking she's cute. The icing on the cake is that she currently is sporting a very big and very purple shiner on her right eye. For Halloween I wanted to dress her up like a boxer cause she looks like one. Lastly let me give you the full picture of how undelicate my baby girl is... I think these pics speak volumes. hahahaha

I guess I will be frequently saying what was said to me as a child... "That is not very Lady Like"

1 comment:

*Chewning Momma* said...

but she is SOOOOO cute!!! :) She can get away with it! haha