Monday, June 13, 2011

Colossians 2: 6-7 Counting to 100!!

So then, Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, Continue to live in him rooted and built up in him, STRENGTHENED IN THE FAITH as you were taught, &


Colossians 2:6-7

59. Black open toed high healed Shoes
60. Walking to Church
61. Not so "Coincidences" btwn my devotions and Pastors Sermons
While reading about Eucharisteo, the emphasis in the sermon was also about the fact that before breaking the bread Christ gave thanks despite the road he was about to walk, a road to death.

63. A dreary Monday's cup of coffee and a good book in Hand

65. Melting Snow
66. Smell of Laundry outside of my house
67. My boy with a backwards hat
68. Sadie and her side ponytails
(#452 today's June 13th Noticing I can't count... Repeating 67&68)
70. Couch to 5K running program & the music I listen to!!

73. Family Dinner (realizing not everyone has this privilege)
74. Kids that are happy helpers
77. Neighbors who are Great friends.
78. Brand new Markers (providing quiet entertainment for an hour)
79. Hand-me-downs

82. The Grace of a Doctor to understand that I didn't get to take Sadie to the Specialists this year (what a relief)

89. A little boy who checks off his job chart before I even wake up.
90. A daughter who loves doing dishes
91. Having the company of my daughter while we work together
93. My Daughters sweet voice singing your praises!!
94. Sadie getting the words Wrong "Rosetta, Rosetta, Rosetta in the Highest"
(supposed to be hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest)

100 An afternoon with my family at the zoo...

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