Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Catching up, Change, & a New Life Style

Well Clearly now that Noah is 5 months old I might be able to get back to bloggin
And counting my blessings!!

Noah was born on Feb 17th via C-section... (Another blog to cover the details/complications/heart aches/ and joys of this deliver will come later) for the first 3 weeks of his life we called him the grunter!! Most of his days consisted of sleeping, eating and going like this GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! He would spit up more then I thought he should, but yet wasn't very fussy, just liked to be held... Well long story short this Breast feeding mama discovered that Noah while having acid reflux had a milk and soy protien intolerance!! And All that I knew to be yummy food was thrown out the window!! So for the past 4 months I've been living Dairy Free and Soy free!!!

So here we go let's count the top 20 blessings of this new life style and in the process maybe it will help you see and learn a few things about living this life style.

1. Of all 3 pregnancies this is the fastest I've reached prepregnancy weight!!!
2. Cin. Chex Cereal is the BEST CEREAL EVER!!!!!
3. Almond Milk is what I use on cereal
4. French Vanilla Coconut Creamer is the only way I can enjoy drinking my coffee.
5. Chili's has the best informed Allergy Menu out there (Not much to choose from, but easy to order from the small list of things I can eat!!)
6. Olive oil & Canola oil are staples in what I cook!!
7. Meals must always be thought about, and not easily done on the fly!!! So eating out is not done often thus saving us money we really don't have anyway!!
8. Brianna's has some Great Salad Dressings
9. The Yonana is the BEST WAY TO SURVIVE A LIFE WITH OUT ICE CREAM (this is a new discovery in the last 3 weeks)
10. Making these food sacrifices are still more cost effective then buying Prescription grade formula!!!
11. My mother and I have bonded over our new found eating similarities and we now eat with Niney much more then we did before!!!
12. Indiana Kettle Corn is a GREAT SNACK!!
13. Enjoy life has chocolate Chunks, Soy, Dairy, & nut FREE! ;-)
14. And Hersey's syrup is Cocoa Powder & Chemicals so I can eat it!! ;-)
15. Swedish fish and Sour Patch kids are also all artificial thus Soy and Dairy free!
16. Grapefruit Sorbet at the North end is the only way I can survive watching my family eat Mike's Pastries
17. Noah is a very happy, easy going, baby that is even a clear communicator at 5 months... when he rubs his eyes it means he's tired, when he cries he's hungry, when he giggles I know Sadie is near him, & when he starts grunting I know I've made a food error or needs a prescription dosage change!!
18. While I'd like to say I am rarely covered in spit up... that would be false... he still spits up but not nearly as much!!
19. Joining Pinterest has been a huge help to fill my recipe box with meals I can eat!!
20. I feel healthier eating Fresh Food!! No packages, very little pre prepared foods!!

While I have a 20 major blessings from this life style the road is not always easy... and I have the site of my top five food experiences to enjoy when breast feeding is over!!
1. Buffalo Chicken Sandwich w/ Blue Cheese Dressing From Grupmy White's
2. Express Pizza and Mike's Pastries Florentine Canoli
3. Chinese Food, Sushi w/ soy sauce and spicy Mayo
4. Dairy Freeze Ice Cream 1/2 Coffee 1/2 Raspberry
5. Chili's Chips and Salsa & Queso

Seeing this smile makes all sacrifices worth it!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

18 days... Counting My Blessings Instead of Minutes

Well I thought it was time to get back to blogging!!!

I am 18 days away from delivering my 3rd baby!!! And let me just say these next 18 days just may be the longest days of my life... So to get through them one MUST COUNT THE BLESSINGS IN FRONT OF HER... Cause let me say complaining and counting the minutes are really what is on the fore front of my mind... I never reached 1000 blessings last year, but I did make it to JUST OVER 500... SOOO My goal this year is another 500 at least if not more!!!

500: Discovering I was pregnant on Father's Day 2011
501: A productive Day... Getting the dishes done
502. The Flutters, the Jabs, the waves, the rolls, the Kicks... All from the life I'm carrying inside me.

505. Cameron calling a GO-Tee and GOO TAY!!
510. Burning Candles
516. A little boy and little girl that Want to help... Sadie Folding Laundry... Cameron Cleaning a bathroom ;-)

517. Sun Streaming in through CLEAN windows
518. A husband who takes my nesting list and starts plugging away and getting the things accomplished
519. My FAVORITE SWEAT Pants & Sweat Shirt make for a happy Monday!!
520. Hearing the babies heart beat.
521. Friends who think like me!!
522. The giggles from my two kiddo's when they feel the movements of their brother or sister!!

Let the counting of many blessing continue in the days ahead!!