Sunday, January 11, 2009

Never underestimate their understanding

I'll start with the story...

Today is snowing yet again!! Mike has been working crazy hours up at 4am returns at 7am has to go back in an hour. So I decide while Mike is home I'll make the kids Pancakes and Eggs... And Mike and I omelets. Now don't think this is any great breakfast cause the pancakes were the frozen kind and Mike got a cheese omelet. Well I serve the kids the pancakes and Fruit cups then go prepare the scrambles Eggs. Well Mike tells Cameron to say "thank you" and of course Grumpy Cameron responds with a "No I don't want to". Naturally Mike tells Cameron to go sit in Time out for the obvious reasons disobeying, being disrespectful, etc. The second Cameron goes to Time out Sadie immediately says, "tank you mommy, tank you". Cameron continues to be fresh in time out so now he is sent to his bed and he starts to cry. (our children know that if you are crying in time out you cannot get out). So Cameron is left to cry for a bit up on his bed and when he stops Mike goes to speak to him. Poor little Sadie is sitting alone in the dining room eating her pancakes. I go into the Dining room to put Cameron's eggs on his plate and Sadie says, "Camwon done cryin... He no say Thank You"
I was shocked. She knew exactly why Cameron had been sent to time out.

Then after church walking to the Gym Cameron was Holding hands with his cousin Ella. Well he kept holding her back by picking up the snow. So I told him to stop holding her hand. Well he let go for a minute and then ran right back to hold her hand. Well again Sadie Observed the happenings and Says, "uh oh, hoddin hands." (I know totally ratting him out, but shocking she understood what I had said)

So what have I learned about my baby girl today... First off she is aware of dynamics in the situation, she is able to observe, learn, and apply what others do to her own choices (have no fear she doesn't always follow in the right direction) and she clearly understands what Mike and I say when we say it.

However The Biggest thing I take away from today's encounter is....

My baby is NOT a baby any more. :-(

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