Monday, November 10, 2008

An awakening in Play and Hope!!

So Mike and I had an encounter this week where Cameron was clearly imitating an very common occurrence in our house that happen's about once every 2 1/2 to 3months.

Cameron found the thermometer. And was pretending to take Mike's temperature. When all of a sudden he says...

"Oh Crack... 15" Now you are probably wondering what this means...

Let me explain and then translate. I'm sure most of you know that Cameron suffers from Febrile seizures so Every time he gets/spikes a fever we MUST MOVE QUICKLY!!! So once his temp is taken ice and Motrin must be retrieved where ever we are. In the beginning there were many times when I wasn't prepared or hadn't quite learned what I needed to do (Car rides being the most frequent) thus resulting in seizures and trips in ambulances. (never fun and probably a little tramatic for us) So once I take his temp and I get something over 100 I will react. And after this little dramatic play from my son I'm confident what my reaction is. "OH CRAP... 101(or what ever the temp is)"

Well this takes me to my very exciting news as well as what I believe is a blessing from God. I may not have to react that way for much longer. I am pleased to say that by chance I received an article describing a condition where children have cyclic fevers resulting in Febrile seizures. And that there is a cure Take out the child's tonsils and adenoids. The article talks about how in some cases parents can tell you the exact day the fever will hit others a ball park. So when I went back through Cameron's records I can do that. I can tell you the exact month that Cameron will get these fevers. So maybe he could be a candidate for this procedure. Now wait here is the best part of the story the Doctor that discovered this cyclic fever and cure is at Children's Hospital BOSTON. (I could cry just saying it) Now we are scheduled to see this Doctor on the 20th of Nov. So I ask for you prayers. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't know if Cameron will qualify for this treatment... But I gotta have faith that these things happen for a reason. I'm not sure where I stand on miracles and I def. don't understand how some people are cured and others aren't, but I gotta have faith that God knows best and Know I really feel like God is in this situation.

1 comment:

*Austin Mommy* said...

Wow, Megan, that is very exciting! I will pray for you guys as you go through this time of discovery. And, I do believe that God, at times, does step in and heal, (I don't understand why some and not others...but if we understand all of God's intentions, that would be scary!) and I think he's created us with brains for a reason - to come up with cures, etc. So, I'm certain God's hand is on Cameron. Be confident of His presence with you guys!