Monday, July 14, 2008

The new battle

So I was wondering today am I alone??? Does anyone else's 2/3 year old do this

I have a strong willed child!!! His new way of control is to play this new game. Here is how the dialog will go

Me: Cameron let's go read books before naps

Cameron: No I don't want to read books

Me: O.k but you still have to take a nap
(I put Cameron in his bed)

Cameron: I want books

Me: O.k.
(Lay down to read a book)

Cameron: I don't want books

Me: I leave

Cameron: Scream and cry, "I WANT BOOKS"
All until he falls asleep!!

He has been doing this for everything!!! (play dough, movies/TV shows, Playing outside)

Bottom line is I think he has to many choices... All because I really don't care. I don't care if he plays with play dough (either you want to do something special or you don't) But man my kid is trying to control me and stall when he does this switch of choices!!! And I find it really FRUSTRATING!! Is ignoring it the best thing. Sometimes I leave the books out so he can look at them himself or I will leave the play dough on the table so when he wantst to play with it he can go get it.

I don't know!!!

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