Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On my own pool side!!!

So I decided to try a day at the pool me, the kids, and an array of friends. It was actually not so bad. Cameron is actually quite independent at long as his swimmies are on. So really I only have to hover over Sadie. And hover is what has to be done because she is a little dare devil. She always wants to be in the action and she is fearless. (nothing like her mother)

We had one little miss hap where she went diving off the step to grab the toy that floated away from her he ended up fully under the water. All within an arms reach. I scooped her up and she was fine. And she napped from 1:30-4:00 when I woke her up to go home. So the afternoon was for the most part a breeze. (minus the anxiety of not being able to hear her if she cried and fearing she would wake my napping in-laws).

It was a great day!!! and I'm tired!!!

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