Monday, August 11, 2008

My Baby Boy is 3!!!

So 3 years ago today I gave birth to the most precious and energetic boy in the world!!! (I'm totally bias)

I was thinking back to the day he was born and just thought I would share a little.

My epidural was amazing until it ran out after hours of pushing and making NO PROGRESS!!!
When the Doctor recommended a C-section, He "kindly" began informing me that I was not less of a woman for going this route I kindly (in the midst of excruciating pain) said, "You could take this kid out my nose for all I care JUST GET THIS BABY out!!!" It's totally funny how you become another person when in that much pain. Poor Mike got yelled at in the delivery room when he tried to console me by holding my hand. I responded with a resound "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" You always see women on TV say that to there husbands, and I often think the media does a poor job portraying real life events, often exaggerating them... But the media got that one right!!!

Many of my memories of that day and the days to follow are...
~The shear joy/excitement when Mike announced that the baby was a boy.
~And the way I felt every time the nurse would bring Cameron to me first thing in the morning. I truly experienced Joy when that little boy was returned after just a few hours of sleep!!!
~ The silly postpartum emotions of looking at my Son with panic and saying "are you really a Cameron. Did we pick the right name???"
~ Excessive crying in the middle of the night for no reason what so ever
~ Once we were home the 3 hours of crying that he would do from 3pm-6pm.
~ The pure angst I felt towards Mike for being able to lay there and sleep while I had to painfully nurse every 2-3 hours through out the night. And that my world had been turned upside down while his "appeared" to remain the same.

Having a baby is one of the most JOYFULLY Hard things you will ever experience (for those of you who maybe experiencing it now) I've concluded that is just how parenting is... Joyfully HARD!!! Once you get through the night feedings you deal with sleep training and then you enter the terrible twos followed by potty training and goodness knows what follows that (I can only look forward to them). So I hope that I can parent with a joyful spirit, but I'm confident that I will have those days when I pull out my hair yell... and other days where I enjoy every little thing my kids do and of course just think "could you get any cuter" (pic of Cameron Lovin' his new baby sister)

I must share one of those cuter then cute moments I just recently had with Cameron. While in Maine one night Mike had put Cameron To bed. At around 11:30pm (I was about 30min. into a very comfortable sleep) I hear a thud and crying coming from the room our kids were sleeping in) I run into a completely pitch black room(I could not see a blessed thing) I hear Cameron crying from the floor. As I reach down to my crying child who is wedged between the bed and a chair plus all tangled in his covers. He is traumatized from being abruptly woken up because he has fallen from his bed ... He so sweetly and Kindly says... "oh thank you mommy, thank you". As if I had just saved him from a near death experience. This just amazed me, Even in that moment my almost 3 year old had truly expressed gratitude!!! He was so grateful for my rescue. My kids amaze me daily.

Happy birthday to my 3 year old Cameron Michael Who has brought me such "over all joy" and amazes me in the funniest little ways.

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