Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's only just begun!!!

This a really old picture...
So I'm thinking that it may be time to stop the duo baths that my little boy Cameron and my daughter Sadie have been participating in. (OF course there is a story why)

So last night after giving my children a bath Cameron was watching me put on Sadie's Diaper something that he has seen me do probably thousands of times. Well on this particular evening Cameron was very curious. He came to observe this very common occurrence and declared

"Sadie not have a penis??"

I responded with... "No Sadie does not..."

To which he then responded "Why Sadie not have a penis? What is it?"

Can I just say while yes we are using proper terminology with our son I wasn't quite ready to introduce the correct terminology for girls.

So I responded with a "Well Sadie is a girl so she doesn't have a penis and that is how God made her."

Luckly he was satisfied with that answer.

Then Today...
Cameron's friend Jaydon started school. And so I was telling Cameron that Jaydon's new classroom was where I taught before he(cameron) was born.

Then I mistakenly said
"Yea, Cameron, I was a teacher in that room when you were in my tummy!!"

As Cameron responds very with a very cute question
"Mommy did you gobble me up?!!"

But this is not over.
His friend Jaydon yells to Professor Ranstrom... "I went to school today!!!"
And Cameron yells equally as loud... "I was in my mommy's tummy!!!"
He then continues to tell everyone he sees this new found information that he has just received.

Oh brother it has only just begun. I can't believe I've hit this stage of curiosity... However they do make some cute stories that I can totally use against him when he is a teenager and brings a girl home!!

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